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USCG Main seal

Port State Control Division (CG-CVC-2)

QUALSHIP 21 Initiative

The Qualship21 Program & E-Zero Designation

The Office of Commercial Vessel Compliance’s (CG-CVC) Work Instruction (CVC-WI-002 (series)) provides a full overview of these programs including incentives, eligibility requirements and application instructions. This Work Instruction along with other guidance on port state control matters can be found on CG-CVC’s Mission Management System (MMS) webpage:

Applying to Qualship21 & E-Zero

For those companies that believe their vessel(s) qualify for the Qualship 21 Program or Qualship 21 with E-Zero Designation applications must be made using the application provided in CVC-WI-002.


Qualified Flag Administrations

Before any ship can be enrolled into Qualship 21 program. it’s flag Administration must be qualified for the QS21 program. For a flag administration to become qualified, they must meet the eligibility criteria outlined in CVC-WI-002.


The following flag administrations have met all the requirements for full participation in the Qualship 21 program (through the end of June 2025:


7/2024 - 6/2025
Barbados Belgium
Bermuda Canada
Cayman Islands Denmark
France Greece
Hong Kong Isle of Man
Jamaica Japan
Liberia Malta
Marshall Islands Netherlands
Norway Saudi Arabia
Singapore Spain
United Kingdom  

Contact Information

Any questions or concerns regarding the Qualship 21 and E-Zero programs can be sent to the port state control division of CG-CVC at


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