Expanded Online Ordering

The NVDC’s eStorefront provides customers with an efficient and secure means to electronically apply for products directly with the US Coast Guard.  Customers can:

  •  Renew their Recreational vessel’s Certificate of Documentation (COD) for 1 to 5 years.
  •  Renew their Commercial/Registry endorsements on their COD for one-year.
  •  Renew their Fleet’s CODs
  •  Request an Abstract of Title (A/T) and/or Certified Copy of COD (CCOD).
  •  Change their address.
  •  File a Notice of Claim of Lien.
  •  File a Bill of Sale and related Instruments.
  •  Request a Deletion Letter.
  •  Request a Certificate of Ownership for a Single Vessel or Multiple Unrelated Vessels.

​Not all products and services offered by the NVDC will be immediately available; additional enhancements are being tested and will be rolled out soon.  During the transition period, customers can still visit pay.gov directly to order one-year CODs, A/Ts and CCODs.

Customer Survey

Your opinion matters to us, and the National Vessel Documentation Center (NVDC) is committed to providing you with excellent customer service.  Your feedback will guide efforts to improve the Vessel Documentation Program. Please visit NVDC Customer Feedback to complete the survey. 


Mission Statement

The National Vessel Documentation Center facilitates maritime commerce and the availability of financing while protecting economic privileges of United States citizens through the enforcement of regulations, and provides a register of vessels available in time of war or emergency to defend and protect the United States of America.



NVDC Case Processing Report