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Office of Commercial Vessel Compliance (CG-CVC)


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 CG-CVC Office Staff
Name Title/Responsibilities Telephone Number
Mr. Marcus Akins
  • Technical Advisor
  • Special Projects
  • Admin Section Supervisor
(202) 372-1355
Mr. Keith Core
  • Marine Inspector Training Program Manager
  • MISLE Program Coordinator/Op Control Manager
  • Feeder Port Coordinator
  • Civilian Apprentice Marine Inspector (CAMI) Program Manager
  • ShipRider Program Coordinator
  • OSMS OAP-11 Coordinator
  • Information Systems (Data) Collection
(202) 372-1243
Ms. Saprina Shomari
  • Budget Officer / Office Admin Manager
  • Contracting Officer Representative
(202) 372-1212
Mr. Roy Starkey
  • Office Automation Assistant
  • Supply Officer
  • FOIA Representative
(202) 372-1224

Administrative Assistant

(202) 372-0000
 Domestic Compliance Division (CG-CVC-1)
Name Title/Responsibilities Telephone Number
CDR Daniel Kilcullen Chief, Domestic Compliance Division
  • Appeals
  • Policy Letter Tracking
  • Workload Assignment & Prioritization
  • Marine Casualty Recommendation Tracking
  • Liaison to AutoPoCo
(202) 372-1236
Offshore Team
  • Liaison to D8 OCS OCMI
  • MODUs, FOF, and other installations
  • OSV Policy Oversight
  • Wind Energy
  • Oil Spill Recovery Vessels (OSRVs)
  • Bureau of Safety & Environmental Enforcement (BSEE) Liaison
  • Citizenship Determinations on Outer Continental Shelf/OSCLA and dive issues (Mr. Kent)

LCDR Brown-(202) 372-1220

LCDR Carter- (202) 372-1135

LCDR Czarniak-(202) 372-1387

Mr. Kent-(202) 372-2292

Towing Vessels
  • Dry Dock Extensions
  • Underwater Examinations in Lieu of Drydocking (UWILDS) Domestic Vessels
  • National Towing Vessel Program Manager
  • Liaison to AWO & TSAC

Mrs.Hnatow-(202) 372-1216

Passenger Vessel Safety Team
  • UPV Program
  • Research Vessel
  • Merchant Marine Industry Training (MMIT) Program Manager (LT Conde)
  • Autonomous Vessels/AutoPoCo (LT Conde)
  • FCC Issues
  • SPV Risk-Based Program
  • Liaison to PVA & WISA
  • Pontoon Vessels
  • Casino Vessels
  • Attraction Vessels/PMC
  • T-Boat Plan Review Policy
  • High Speed Craft
  • Passenger carrying submersibles
  • Sail Rigging
  • Parasailing
  • Wood/ Fiberglass Vessels

LT Conde-(571) 610-3045

LCDR Duffett- (202) 372-1221

 Port State Control Division (CG-CVC-2)
Name Title/Responsibilities Telephone Number
CDR Brian Hall Chief, Port State Control Division

  • PSC Detention Validation Oversight

  • PSC Appeal Determinations

  • CVC-2 Policy Guidance Development

  • Training and Qualification Oversight

  • U.S. Delegate to Nine PSC MOUs

  • QUALSHIP 21 & E-Zero Oversight

  • Vessel Banning Verification
(571) 610-0596
Mr. Chris Gagnon Flag State and Class Society Liaison

  • PSC Annual Report

  • Canadian Liaison - Transport Canada


  • ILO 147 Issues

  • IMO Issues

  • International Outreach Coordinator

  • III Subcommittee U.S. Delegation Member

  • U.S. Delegate to Nine PSC MOUs

  • PSC Detention Review Board Member

  • CG-CVC's coordinator/liaison for all regional MOU's
(202) 372-1231
LCDR Stephanie Moore Port State Control Oversight & Foreign Vessel Security Program Manager

  • PSC Detention Review Board Member 

  • CVC-2 Policy Guidance Development

  • PSC Appeals Program Manager

  • PSC Appeals Tracker

  • Program rep for CGIS Environmental Crimes Training

  • Program oversight of training curriculum, TTP and PQS

  • Course manager for PSC, FPVE, GCI and TVI

  • Vessel Banning/Denial of entry

  • MOTR Annex I POC - Secondary

  • PSC Data Management and Analysis
(202) 372-1232
LCDR Brent Mellen Port State Control Training Program Manager
  • PSC Targeting Policy Development & Guidance

  • PSC Appeals Manager – Primary

  • Course Manager for PSC, FPVE. GCI and TVI - Secondary

  • Program Oversight of Training Curriculum, TTP and PQS - Secondary

  • PSC Targeting Policy & Mission Case Management - Primary 

  • Foreign Tankship Policy – Primary  

  • PSC Detention Review Board Member
(202) 372-1181
LCDR Steven Lewis Port State Control Program Manager

  • CVC-2 Policy Guidance Development

  • PSC Appeals

  • Vessel Banning/Denial of Entry - Primary

  • QUALSHIP 21 / E-Zero Program Manager

  • Large Fleet Program Manager

  • Low Flashpoint Fuels - Primary

  • Foreign Passenger Ship Policy – Secondary

  • PSC Detention Review Board Member

  • MOTR Annex I POC - Primary
(202) 372-2268
LT Matthew Zanella Port State Control Program Manager
  • CVC-2 Policy Guidance Development

  • PSC Appeals

  • Enhanced Exam Program – Primary 

  • Job Aids (Updating) - Primary 

  • PSC Detention Review Board Member

  • Vessel Cybersecurity - Secondary

  • PSC Targeting Policy & Mission Case Management - Secondary

  • Autonomous Vessels - Primary 

  • Low Flashpoint Fuels - Secondary

  • Engineering &Technical Issues – Secondary 

  • Special Duty Assignment Pay (SDAP) OCS, Offshore PSC Inspectors
(202) 372-2268
Mr. Ken Hettler Technical Advisor, General Engineer

  • PSC Detention Review Board Lead

  • Foreign Passenger Vessel/Cruise Ships Policy Lead

  • Policy Guidance and Regulatory Development

  • Technical Issues

  • Ballast Water Management



  • Alternate U.S. Delegate to Nine PSC MOUs

  • MARPOL policy issue lead
(202) 372-1240
Mr. Russell Amacher Environmental Compliance Manager
  • MARPOL Annexes

  • Ballast Water compliance policy – Primary

  • VGP/VIDA compliance policy – Primary

  • Dual Fuels and Air emission policy – Primary

  • PSC Detention Review Board Member

  • EPA Liaison

  • U.S. Deep Draft Environmental Policy - Primary
(202) 372-1442
Mr. Steve Kwan MTS Specialist for Cyber
  • Cybersecurity – Primary

  • Cyber Training and Outreach – Primary

  • Cyber Incident Management Policy/Guidance – Primary

  • MCRB Liaison - Primary
(202) 372-3567
MSTC Ashley Shad VIDA/Environmental Specialist
  • Policy Guidance Development

  • Program rep for MST Rating Training Advisory Committee (RTAC)

  • Polar Code SME

  • Ballast Water Policy – Secondary

  • VGP/VIDA Policy – Secondary

  • Alternative Fuels / Decarbonization – Secondary

  • PSC Detention Review Board Member
(912) 652-4188
Ms. Makeda Talley Qualship 21 Administrator (202) 372-1587
Ms. Margaret Workman Workflow Management (202) 372-1238
Mr. William Detty Webmaster & Database developer (571) 610-5452
 Fishing Vessel Safety Division (CG-CVC-3)
Name Title Telephone Number
Mr. Joseph Myers Chief (571) 608-5685
Mr. Angel Calderon Staff (571) 613-0520
Mr. Harvey Hamm Staff (206) 815-3171
Mr. Jonathan Wendland Staff (202) 420-8881


 Flag State Control Division (CG-CVC-4)
Name Title/Responsibilities Telephone Number
CDR Michael Hjerstedt Chief, Flag State Control Division

  • Attend DOC audits
  • Maintain policy and guidance for ROs
  • Conduct Vertical Contract Audits (VCAs)
  • Review and respond to Taskers through the task management system
  • Respond to internal data/information requests
(202) 372-1215
Mr. John Hannon Director, Military Sealift Vessel Inspection Policy and Program Manager

  • IMO outreach/ position papers
  • IACS Advisory Committee
  • MOAs, MOUs, and MOCs
  • Public Vessels – Evaluate appeals/maintain records
(202) 372-1222
Mr. David McCusker
  • ACP Program Manager
  • DNV Liaison
  • Alternative Fuels
  • Single Supplement
  • Emergency Technology
(202) 834-4025
Mr. Darren Drury
  • US Registry Liaison
  • MSP Program Manager
  • MSP, TSP, CSP Subject Matter Expert
  • UWILD Coordinator
(202) 795-6790
LCDR Chris Mercurio
  • RO Certificate Actions
  • Manning
  • DD Extensions
  • Class Authorizations
  • ABS Liaison
  • Flag State Auditor
(202) 372-2096
LCDR Amy Gayman
  • Reflag Programs Coordinator
  • MARPOL Coordinator
  • ABS Liaison
  • Flag State Auditor
  • CID Call Coordinator
(202) 372-1251
LT Jason Ortiz
  • Flag State Auditor
  • Quality Case Reviewer
  • TPOC Audit Coordinator
  • TPOC Conference
  • RO Summit
  • NK & IRS Liaison
(202) 372-1182
LT Vanessa Taylor
  • ACP Coordinator
  • BV & RINA Liaison
  • Streamlined Inspection Program
  • MLC Letters
  • CVC MMS Coordinator
(571) 608-0737
LCDR Krystyna Rogers
  • Fleet Performance Manager
  • Fleet Risk Assessment
  • SOLAS Coordinator
  • SOLAS Exemptions
  • PR-17's
  • RO KPIs
  • Flag State Annual Report
  • LR Liaison
(202) 795-6467
Mr. Gary Strebe
  • Flag State Control Program Manager
  • RO Agreements
  • TPOC Coordinator
(202) 372-1182
Mr. John Quandt
  • Flag State Auditor
  • Audit Scheduler
  • VCA Coordinator
  • MSO Activity Review
(202) 372-1128
LCDR Jennifer Sheehy
  • RO Oversight Manager
  • VCA Program Manager
  • Quality Case
  • CSR Desk Manager
  • SASH Audit Policy
(202) 372-1363
CDR Rebecca Walthour Liaison to Military Sealift Command (757) 341-5434