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LNG as Fuel Video Based Training is intended for and published for the Marine Inspector.  We currently have short lectures available and will develop technical training episodes as we move forward.


LNG as Fuel Lecture Training


    IGF Code History and Contents 
08 min lecture presentation on IGF Code History and Contents where we introduce to you the International Code of Safety for Ships using Gases or other Low-flashpoint Fuels (IGF Code) and provide a brief history, organizational arrangement and contents of the code.
Published: 02 April 2019



  IGF Code Policy Letters
07 min lecture presentation on IGF Code Policy Letters where we introduce to you how the policy letters are used to supplement the IGF Code.
Published: 02 April 2019

LNG as Fuel Basics 
10 min lecture presentation where we provide a very basic analogy as we explain how LNG as fuel is used in a marine engine compared to an automobile engine; and we touch on low and high pressure LNG fuel systems.
Published: 25 Oct 2018

6 min lecture presentation where we define risk, hazard and accident. We go on further to provide a basic overview of risk assessment processes.
Published: 17 Sept 2018
  LNG as Fuel Bunkering 
20 min lecture presentation where guest speaker, Bob Kamb, from ABS Advanced Solutions, presents LNG as Fuel Bunkering.  In this presentation Bob provides an overview of LNG Bunkering Risks and Concerns so you can better understand the scope of what goes into planning and preparing for LNG Bunker operations.
Published:  06 Sep 2019
  LNG Bunkering Hoses and Connections 
7 min lecture presentation where guest speaker, Robert Kamb, from ABS Group, presents LNG as Fuel Bunkering Hoses and Connections.  In this presentation Robert provides more detail and regulatory information about bunkering hoses and connections
Published:  15 Jan 2020

  LNG Bunkering Quick Connection / Disconnect (QC/DC)
7 min lecture presentation (with 3D animation) guest speaker, Robert Kamb, from ABS Group, discussing LNG as Fuel Bunkering Quick Connect / Dry Disconnect fittings using a 3D animated video provided by MannTek; the makers of the connection discussed.
Published:  15 Jan 2020




Basic Fuel Gas Supply layout on a ship.

    Fuel Gas Supply System
3 min animation presents a basic layout of a fuel gas system.
Published: 28 Aug 2022

Where does LNG come from?

    LNG Basics
7 min animation explains how gas is located and extracted.
Published: 21 Oct 2015
    Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) Value Chain
4 min animation explains the Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) Value Chain.
Published: 03 May 2016

Converting gas into a liquid
3 min animation explains how gas is converted to a liquid and then shipped.
Published: 10 Dec 2012

    Using a Heat Exchanger to Convert gas into a liquid>
4 min narrated animation, at the 1:00 minute mark, provides a basic explanation on how a heat exchanger, using refrigerant, is used to convert gas into a liquid.
Published: 09 Nov 2015

LNG Demonstration: Three Part Series

    1 of 3 Part Series Demonstrating LNG Characteristics
8 min demonstration of LNG characteristics.
Published: 21 Oct 2015
    2 of 3 Part Series Demonstrating LNG Characteristics
8 min demonstration of LNG characteristics.
Published: 21 Oct 2015
    3 of 3 Part Series Demonstrating LNG Characteristics
8 min demonstration of LNG characteristics.
Published: 21 Oct 2015

Physical Explosion: LNG Rapid Phase Transitions (RPT)

    Physical Explosion: LNG Rapid Phase Transitions (RPT)
3 min demonstration of a Physical Explosion. LNG spilled onto water sometime undergoes a rapid phase transition (RPT) or physical explosion creating localized overpressure. Such physical explosions are also observed when water contacts molten metal or hot lava (steam explosions).
Published: 21 Oct 2015
    Gas Tanker - Jettisoning Liquid Gas -262 f (-163 c) on the Open Sea
9 min narrated 1973 video footage showing Methane jettisoning test on open sea from LNG Vessel Cargo tank rupture caused by increase of pressure - Emergency procedure for gas carriers.
Published: 23 Jun 2019

Flammability Limits

    Flammability Diagram
11 min narrated animation discusses the flammability diagram.
Published: 07 Nov 2016

Flash Point Temperature
10 min chalkboard style narrated presentation discusses Flash Point Temperature of Benzene.
Published: 07 Feb 2012


Complete and Incomplete Combustion
4 min narrated animation about combustion of methane: the effects; the two different types of combustion and the products of the two types of combustion.
Published: 21 Jul 2016


LEL Bottle Rocket (Demonstration)
6 min demonstration clearly showing the effects of lean vs rich flammable environment by adding drops of acetone in an empty 2 liter bottle and then launching the bottle by igniting the vapors.
Published: 04 Feb 2016

Calibration of Portable Gas Detection

    Calibration of Portable Gas Detection Equipment
2 min narrated animation about Calibration of Portable Gas Detection Equipment.
Published: 30 Oct 2015

Nitrogen/Inert Gas Generator System (Membrane)

    IGS - Membrane Systems
7 min narrated animation discussing how membrane filters are used to creat nitrogen.
Published: 11 Aug 2011

LNG as Fuel Systems / Components

    Dual Fuel Supply System with Type C Tanks on Deck (001)
5 min animated video walks the viewer through a Dual Fuel System.
Published:  02 June 2015
    Dual Fuel Supply System with Type C tanks on Deck (002)
5 min animated video walks the viewer through a Dual Fuel System.
Published:  08 Mar 2023
    MAN High Pressure Dual Fuel Engine Process
5 min narrated animated video explains the high pressure dual fuel process
Published:  02 June 2015
    MAN High Pressure Dual Fuel Engine
5 min narrated animated shows the high pressure dual fuel process.
Published: 14 Nov 2013
    Wärtsilä Dual Fuel and Gas Engine Process
7 min narrated animation by Wärtsilä details the cycle of the dual fuel process.
Published: 25 April 2013
    MAN Dual Fuel and Gas Engine Process
7 min narrated animation by MAN details the cycle of the dual fuel process.
Published: 14 Nov 2013
    MAN Dual Fuel Engine Process
5 min animated video explains the dual fuel process.
Published: 28 Feb 2013
    Wärtsilä LNG Fuel Handling System
3 min animated video explains components of their LNG Fuel System.
Published: 26 Aug 2014
    Rolls-Royce - Gas Propulsion Solutions
4 min narrated animation video explains components of their LNG Fuel System.
Published: 30 May June 2017
    LNG Fuel Tank Construction
9 min documentary video about LNG fuel tank construction.
Published: 17 May 2016

Differential pressure level transmitter - Endress + Hauser (41156)

3 minute narrated animation explains how Differential Pressure Level Transmitters work.
Published: 13 Nov 2012

4 min narrated animation video about Electric-driven 20,000 TEU ultra large container vessel (ULCV) with an LNG-fuelled combined cycle gas and steam turbine (COGES) electric power plant.
Published: 01 June 2017

LNG Bunkering

    REACH4 GTT LNG Bunker Mast
2 min animation video shows operation of the a LNG bunker mast.
Published: 05 July 2017

LNG Bunker Barge Construction

3 min documentary video shows initial construction of the first U.S. built LNG bunker barge.
Published: 24 October 2016

    VIKING GRACE Bunking Evolution
1 min animated video shows the passenger ferry VIKING GRACE bunking Evolution.
Published: 24 June 2013
    VIKING ENERGY Bunking Evolution
9 min animated video shows fuel flow during VIKING ENERGY bunking Evolution.
Published: 25 June 2012

LNG Bunkering Hose: Safety Break-away Cryogenic Dry Break-away Coupling

    Safety Break-away Couplings
35 min narrated slide presentation explains Safety Break-away Couplings.
Published: 23 Aug 2011
    3D animation cryogenic Dry Break-away Coupling internal design
2 min animated video shows internals of a cryogenic Dry Break-away Coupling.
Published: 29 Oct 2013
    Break-away and Internals of a cryogenic Dry Break-away Coupling
1 min animated video shows break-away and internals of a cryogenic Dry Break-away Coupling.
Published: 27 April 2012
    Break-away of cryogenic Dry Break-away Coupling
10 sec surveillance video shows actual operation of a cryogenic Dry Break-away Coupling.
Published: 24 Oct 2011

LNG Facilities


Differential pressure level transmitter - Endress + Hauser (41156)

3 minute narrated animation explains how Differential Pressure Level Transmitters work.
Published: 13 Nov 2012


Eagle LNG - Jacksonville, FL Facility Animation
3 minute narrated animation explains how natural gas is converted to liquid and then stored.
Published: 30 Jan 2017

Cargo Tank Vapour Control

    Cargo Tank Components of Vapour Control
31 min narrated animated/documentary video shows components of Cargo Tank Vapour Control system.
Published: 28 Sep 2015

Pressure Vacuum Valve (PV)  

    Components and Internals of an Inert Gas System (IGS) Flue Gas
4 min narrated slide presentation providing an introduction of Pressure Vacuum (PV) Valves used onboard marine and offshore tankers.
Published: 09 April 2015
    Pressure Vacuum Relief Valve
1 min animated video demonstrates internal function of Pressure Vacuum (PV) Valves used onboard marine and offshore tankers.
Published: 16 May 2014
  CLEAN JACKSONVILLE 2,200m3 Bunker Barge (GTT)
3 min narrated presentation where the viewer is presented with the details of the CLEAN JACKSONVILLE bunker barge.
Published:  19 Dec 2017