The Coast Guard has launched a mobile app that anyone can use to help fight crime, including making anonymous reports. The Coast Guard is committed to investigating and pursuing appropriate enforcement actions for all reports of sexual misconduct on U.S. flagged vessels. Sexual misconduct, which includes incidents of sexual assault and sexual harassment, has no place in the maritime industry and the Coast Guard is committed to preventing these occurrences and responding to allegations to eliminate this toxic behavior from the workplace. ​Use the QR code below to download the CGIS Tips app:


• CG TIPS is available on the web at • CGIS Tips is also available through the iTunes App Store or Google Play store. • Learn more about USCG Investigative Services at


Welcome the new and improved Merchant Mariner Credential (MMC)

For me further details please review the Brochure and Announcement listed below.

The Coast Guard has launched a mobile app that anyone can use to help fight crime, including making anonymous reports. The Coast Guard is committed to investigating and pursuing appropriate enforcement actions for all reports of sexual misconduct on U.S. flagged vessels. Sexual misconduct, which includes incidents of sexual assault and sexual harassment, has no place in the maritime industry and the Coast Guard is committed to preventing these occurrences and responding to allegations to eliminate this toxic behavior from the workplace. ​Use the QR code below to download the CGIS Tips app:


• CG TIPS is available on the web at • CGIS Tips is also available through the iTunes App Store or Google Play store. • Learn more about USCG Investigative Services at

National Maritime Center Announcements

Feb 21  pdf icon New Merchant Mariner Credential Format
Feb 21  pdf icon NEW Merchant Mariner Credential (MMC) Brochure
Feb 12  pdf icon Video Guide to Filling Out Application Form CG-719B
Jan 10  pdf icon Notice of Public Meeting in Preparation for International Maritime Organization HTW 10 Session January 31, 2024
Nov 28  pdf icon National Merchant Marine Personnel Advisory Committee Meeting 6 – December 12, 2023
Oct 23  pdf icon Final Rule for Towing Vessel Firefighting Training
Oct 2  pdf icon Acceptance of STCW Assessments Performed by Assessors Who Are Not Coast Guard-Approved Qualified Assessors
Aug 21  pdf icon Sending Faxes to the National Maritime Center
Aug 16  pdf icon Merchant Mariner Examination Working Group 2024 Schedule
Aug 15  pdf icon Mariner Credentials Lost Due to Hawaii Wildfires
Aug 08  pdf icon National Merchant Mariner Medical Advisory Committee Vacancies – Application Deadline – September 12, 2023
June 28  pdf icon Changes to Requirements for Designated Examiner
June 21  pdf icon (UPDATE) National Maritime Center Credential Production Delays Resolved
June 14  pdf icon National Merchant Marine Personnel Advisory Committee Vacancies to Represent Pilots and Deck Officers Application Deadline – August 8, 2023
May 30  pdf icon Unapproved Evening Courses at Mid-Atlantic Maritime Academy
May 23  pdf icon CG-MMC Policy Letter 03- 23 titled Evaluation of Suitability for Applicants with Convictions for Sexual Assault
May 22  pdf icon Merchant Mariner Credential Laminate
May 16  pdf icon CG-MMC Policy Letter Status of American Samoans for Merchant Mariner Credentialing
April 26  pdf icon Changes to Awaiting Information Letter Processing for Merchant Mariner Credentials
April 26  pdf icon USCG MSIB 06/23, Merchant Mariner Credentialing Delays
April 20  pdf icon National Merchant Mariner Medical Advisory Committee Meeting #4 April 25 – 26, 2023
April 05  pdf icon CG-MMC Policy Letter 01-23 titled Qualification for National Endorsements as Tankerman-Assistant and STCW Endorsements for Basic Tanker Operations
March 20  pdf icon Credentials Lost in the Mail
March 1  pdf icon Reporting Sexual Misconduct on U.S. Vessels
February 8  pdf icon Exam Working Group – Towing
January 23  pdf icon National Maritime Center Now Accepting Electronically Signed Documents
January 3  pdf icon Regional Exam Center (REC) St. Louis Reopened