CGMIX remains the official site of available type approved equipment; however the copies provided on this page will allow people to see the certificate in its entirety, including appendices and previous versions. The date columns give the dates from the most recent revision, not the original certificate. Any inquiries regarding BWMS equipment and operating limitations should be directed to the manufacturer.
A BWMS’s Type Approval Certificate (TAC) expiration date indicates the dates between which a BWMS must be manufactured. A type approved BWMS, which is manufactured within the TAC applicability dates, remains in compliance for the lifetime of the system, assuming it is operated and maintained in accordance with the listed Operation, Maintenance, and Safety Manual (OMSM). The TAC to which the BWMS was manufactured and approved should be stored onboard, regardless of the expiration date. The onboard TAC is only replaced upon modification of the BWMS to comply with a revised TAC.
A TAC must be signed to be considered valid and signed TACs can only be provided by the manufacturer. MSC provides the below redacted certificates for informational purposes only. The redacted TACs provided on this website are not considered valid for documentation onboard a vessel.
Type Approval Certificate |
Issue Date |
Expiration Date |
Previous Versions |
162.060/1/6 (Optimarin) |
13JAN25 |
21OCT26 |
/1/0, /1/1, /1/2, /1/3, /1/4, /1/5 |
162.060/2/5 (Alfa Laval) |
02NOV23 |
16DEC26 |
/2/0, /2/1, /2/2, /2/3, /2/4 |
162.060/3/6 (Oceansaver) |
09NOV22 |
05NOV26 |
/3/0, /3/1, /3/2, /3/3, /3/4, /3/5 |
162.060/4/5 (Sunrui) |
21NOV24 |
02JUN27 |
/4/0, /4/1, /4/2, /4/3, /4/4 |
162.060/5/5 (Ecochlor) |
25MAY23 |
27JUL27 |
/5/0, /5/1, /5/2, /5/3, /5/4 |
162.060/6/6 (ERMA FIRST) |
28SEP23 |
18OCT27 |
/6/0, /6/1, /6/2, /6/3, /6/4, /6/5 |
162.060/7/4 (Techcross) |
31JAN24 |
25MAY28 |
/7/0, /7/1, /7/2, /7/3 |
162.060/8/3 (S&SYS Co) |
30MAY23 |
30MAY28 |
/8/0, /8/1, /8/2 |
162.060/9/4 (BIO-UV) |
20JUN23 |
20JUN28 |
/9/0, /9/1, /9/2, /9/3 |
162.060/10/4 (Wärtsilä) |
06JAN21 |
11AUG28 |
/10/0, /10/1, /10/2, /10/3 |
162.060/11/3 (HD) |
25OCT23 |
25OCT28 |
/11/0, /11/1, /11/2 |
162.060/12/3 (Headway) |
03NOV23 |
03NOV28 |
/12/0, /12/1, /12/2 |
162.060/13/6 (JFE) |
03OCT24 |
02OCT28 |
/13/0, /13/1, /13/2, /13/3, /13/4, /13/5 |
162.060/14/2 (Panasia) |
07DEC23 |
07DEC28 |
/14/0, /14/1 |
162.060/15/4 (De Nora) |
07DEC23 |
07DEC28 |
/15/0, /15/1, /15/2, /15/3 |
162.060/16/4 (Scienco/FAST) |
26AUG24 |
01FEB29 |
/16/0, /16/1, /16/2, /16/3 |
162.060/17/4 (DESMI) |
15APR24 |
15APR29 |
/17/0, /17/1, /17/2, /17/3 |
162.060/18/7 (Wärtsilä) |
08APR24 |
08APR29 |
/18/0, /18/1, /18/2, /18/3, /18/4, /18/5, /18/6 |
162.060/19/6 (Alfa Laval) |
03SEP24 |
27SEP26 |
/19/0, /19/1, /19/2, /19/3, /19/4, /19/5 |
162.060/20/1 (Cathelco) |
24JUN24 |
24JUN29 |
/20/0 |
162.060/21/3 (CHIT) |
25NOV24 |
26AUG24 |
/21/0, /21/1, /21/2 |
162.060/22/0 (HHI) |
07OCT19 |
07OCT24 |
162.060/23/4 (Miura) |
25OCT24 |
15OCT29 |
/23/0, /23/1, /23/2, /23/3 |
162.060/24/2 (HANLA) |
21NOV24 |
18OCT29 |
/24/0, 24/1 |
162.060/25/0 (Miura) |
08JAN20 |
08JAN25 |
162.060/26/2 (BAWAT) |
05JUN24 |
04MAR25 |
/26/0, /26/1 |
162.060/27/1 (Panasia) |
10NOV22 |
14DEC23 |
/27/0 |
162.060/28/0 (NK) |
23MAR20 |
23MAR25 |
162.060/29/0 (NK) |
23MAR20 |
23MAR25 |
162.060/30/1 (Hyde) |
15FEB23 |
29APR25 |
/30/0 |
162.060/31/3 (Miura) |
21FEB23 |
07MAY25 |
/31/0, /31/1, /31/2 |
162.060/32/0 (Techcross) |
11MAY20 |
11MAY25 |
162.060/33/0 (Semb-Eco) |
27MAY20 |
27MAY25 |
162.060/34/1 (Shikoku) |
12APR24 |
24JUN25 |
/34/0 |
162.060/35/3 (oneTank) |
30JAN24 |
30JAN29 |
/35/0, /35/1, /35/2 |
162.060/36/0 (Elite Marine) |
16OCT20 |
16OCT25 |
162.060/37/0 (Panasonic) |
21OCT20 |
21OCT25 |
162.060/38/2 (Knutsen) |
13SEP23 |
05NOV25 |
/38/0, /38/1 |
162.060/39/0 (Alfa Laval) |
30DEC20 |
30DEC25 |
162.060/40/3 (Senza) |
17JAN24 |
11FEB26 |
/40/0, /40/1, /40/2 |
162.060/41/1 (SKF) |
7APR22 |
14APR26 |
/41/0 |
162.060/42/1 (Wuxi) |
28FEB22 |
27APR26 |
/42/0 |
162.060/43/2 (Evoqua) |
15JUN23 |
08JUN26 |
/43/0, /43/1 |
162.060/44/1 (Nanji) |
06SEP23 |
06SEP26 |
/44/0 |
162.060/45/1 (HHI) |
31OCT22 |
27OCT26 |
/45/0 |
162.060/46/0 (RWO) |
16DEC21 |
16DEC26 |
162.060/47/1 (NGT) |
09JAN24 |
24FEB27 |
/47/0 |
162.060/48/0 (Atlantium) |
21APR22 |
21APR27 |
162.060/49/1 (Langh Tech) |
14JAN25 |
15SEP27 |
/49/0 |
162.060/50/2 (AQUASTAR) |
12DEC24 |
7NOV27 |
/50/0, /50/1 |
162.060/51/0 (Cyeco) |
21JUN23 |
21JUN28 |
162.060/52/0 (Samkun Century) |
19OCT23 |
19OCT28 |
162.060/53/1 (HANLA) |
25MAR24 |
26OCT28 |
/53/0 |
162.060/54/1 (Techcross) |
24JAN24 |
14DEC28 |
/54/0 |
Click here for the Coast Guard Maritime Information Exchange (CGMIX).
Select the SEARCH APPROVED EQUIPMENT LIST tab, then select the EQLIST SEARCH tab.
In the "Approval Series Name" field, use the drop-down menu to select BALLAST WATER MANAGEMENT SYSTEM-162.060.