
Regulatory Archive

Click on the following files to view the historical listing of regulatory projects from 2003 thru 2013. The files are conveniently formatted in both Excel and PDF. For rulemaking project prior to 2003, please contact the CG-REG office directly.


Several important regulations have been developed over the years. The links below access the portions of the Code of Federal Regulations that contain marine safety regulations. Please be aware that clicking on these links will take you to the search section of the GPO Web site.

Title 46 CFR - Shipping

Title 49 CFR - Transportation (Chapter IV, Subchapter B)

Title 33 CFR - Navigation and Navigable Waters

For more information contact:

Commandant (CG-REG)
US Coast Guard
2703 Martin Luther King Jr Ave SE

Stop 7418
Washington, DC 20593-7418