The Office of Regulations and Administrative Law (CG-LRA) is responsible for the legal sufficiency, format, style and placement in the Code of Federal Regulations of all Coast Guard public regulatory documents and related rulemaking matters under the statutory authority of the Commandant. The office provides legal counsel, review, drafting assistance and other support services for all rulemaking activities by Coast Guard Headquarters and field offices. CG-LRA also serves as Legal Counsel to the Coast Guard Marine Safety and Security Council and provides Executive Secretary and administrative services to the council.

Maritime Safety and Security Council (MSSC)

The Marine Safety and Security Council (MSSC) has an important oversight role in the Coast Guard regulatory development program. As the Commandant’s advisory body for all Coast Guard regulatory initiatives, the council approves all new rulemaking projects, amendments to active rulemaking projects, and suspension or termination of inactive rulemaking projects.

  Current MSSC Members:

RDML Steven J. Anderson Judge Advocate General (CG-094) / Chairman
Mr. Jeffrey G. Lantz Director of Commercial Regulations and Standards (CG-5PS)
RDML Peter J. Brown Assistant Commandant for Response Policy (CG-5R)
RADM Paul F. Thomas Assistant Commandant for Prevention Policy (CG-5P)
RDML Andrew J. Tiongson Assistant Commandant for Resources, Chief Financial Officer (CG-DCO-8)
RDML Anthony J. Vogt

Director of Governmental & Public Affairs (CG-092)

CAPT Verne B. Gifford

Director of Inspections and Compliance (CG-5PC)

Mr. William R. Grawe Director of National Pollution Fund Center (NPFC)
Mr. Michael D. Emerson Director of Marine Transportation System Management
Ms. Dana S. Tulis

Director of Incident Management & Preparedness Policy (CG-5RI)

Mr. Michael W. Mumbach Executive Secretary

 Proceedings Magazine

Proceedings of the Marine Safety & Security Council, the Coast Guard Journal of Safety at Sea is the official magazine of the Marine Safety and Security Council. The  Proceedings publishes quarterly and features a specific theme. Click on the logo above to access the latest publication.

For more information contact:

Commandant (CG-REG)
US Coast Guard
2703 Martin Luther King Jr Ave SE

Stop 7418
Washington, DC 20593-7418