Great Lakes and Inland

Exam Code: Endorsement: Modules:
FCP01 First Class Pilot Q100 - Q375
GLI01 Master-Unlimited Tonnage Q100 - Q306
GLI02 Mate of Unlimited Tonnage Q100 - Q312
GLI03 Master-LT 500-1600 GRT Q100 - Q322 Q323 - Q326
GLI04 Mate of LT 500-1600 GRT Q100 - Q331
GLI05 Master or Mate of LT 200 GRT Q100 - Q341 Q342 - Q346
GLI06 Master or Mate of LT 100 GRT Q100 - Q352
GLI07 OUPV Q100 - Q358
GLI08 Limited OUPV Q301 - Q361


Deck Officer