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Viability Policy Letter


The Coast Guard Office of Environmental Standards (CG-OES) released Policy Letter 02-22, which describes the process for submitting viability testing methods to the Coast Guard and explains the information needed to evaluate the testing methods.  Stakeholders may submit viability testing methods to the Coast Guard as outlined in Policy Letter 02-22.  The Coast Guard will make a decision whether the submitted testing methods are acceptable using the established evaluation process found in Policy Letter 02-22.  Submitters are encouraged to include sufficient information in their submission to allow the Coast Guard to complete the environmental documentation required to comply with the National Environmental Policy Act and other applicable laws.

VIDA Viability Final Policy Letter


Submission Guidance:

Viability testing methods with associated supportive information and data must be submitted in writing to Commandant (CG-OES), Office of Operating and Environmental Standards, U.S. Coast Guard STOP 7509, 2703 Martin Luther King Jr. Ave SE, Washington DC 20593-7509, or electronic copies sent by email to For files in excess of 35mb, please send an email to requesting an alternate submission option. You will receive a file request via DoD SAFE, allowing transfer of larger files.


Additionally, for posterity purposes, the initial draft viability policy letter can be accessed below:

VIDA Viability Draft Policy Letter