IMO Subcommittee on Navigation, Communication, and Search and Rescue (NCSR)
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Under the direct instruction of the Maritime Safety Committee (MSC) and as may be requested by the Marine Environment Protection Committee (MEPC), the Sub-Committee on Navigation, Communication, and Search and Rescue (NCSR) considers matters related to the following subjects:
- obligations of Governments and operational measures related to safety of navigation, including hydrographic and meteorological services, ships' routing, ship reporting systems, aids to navigation, radionavigation systems, vessel traffic services and pilotage, including the role of such measures in the protection of the marine environment;
- carriage requirements, performance standards and operational guidelines for the use of shipborne navigational equipment and other navigational requirements, including bridge design, bridge visibility and pilot transfer arrangements;
- operational requirements and guidelines relating to navigational safety and associated issues, such as regulations for the prevention of collisions and groundings, bridge procedures, voyage planning, avoidance of dangerous situations, places of refuge and relevant aspects of maritime security;
- any technical and operational measures and recommendations on the worldwide implementation of maritime search and rescue, performance standards, maintenance requirements and relevant procedures for radiocommunication equipment, and operational communications related to safety or maritime security including Global Maritime Distress and Safety System (GMDSS) and International Aeronautical and Maritime Search and Rescue (IAMSAR),
- liaison with the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) regarding maritime mobile radiocommunication matters; and
- co-operation with the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) regarding joint aeronautical and maritime search and rescue issues.
Additional details regarding the Sub-Committee's work program can be found in its
Terms of Reference document.
At the end of each NCSR meeting, a final report is prepared for submission to the Maritime Safety Committee. The final report provides a record of the issues discussed and actions taken by the Sub-Committee. The final reports of the most recent NCSR meetings (including the sub-committee activities before the re-structuring of the Organization) are provided for your reference.
Additional Documentation
Additional NCSR meeting documents can be made available by the Coast Guard for U.S. citizens only. Please contact Mr. George Detweiler if you would like to obtain additional NCSR documents.
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Last Modified: 2/6/2018