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Office of Requirements and Analysis (CG-771)
Joint Requirements Council (JRC)


The JRC is an executive-level body in the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) charged with building a unified, effective, and efficient operational requirements process for DHS. JRC council of principals, CG-7 Assistant Commandant for Capability is part of that council as the Component Requirements Executive (CRE), provides oversight of the DHS requirements generation process, harmonizes efforts across the Department, and makes prioritized funding recommendations to the Deputy’s Management Action Group (DMAG) for those validated requirements. CG-771 is the designated Coast Guard Gatekeeper to the JRC for all requirements and coordination of JRIMS documentation.

The JRC is focused on:

  • Mitigate redundant capabilities
  • Fill capability gaps
  • Drive Unity of Effort across DHS through Joint Requirements 
  • Harmonize capabilities and requirements across DHS

Visit the DHS JRC webpage: