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NVDC Address:

USCG/National Vessel Documentation Center
792 T J Jackson Drive
Falling Waters, WV 25419


Phone Numbers:

Toll Free: (800) 799-8362
Main: (304) 271-2400
Phone Hours: 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. (Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday)
Phones are not manned on Thursdays

All Times are Eastern Time (Standard or Daylight Savings, when applicable)


NVDC Email Addresses:

Submit general questions/inquiries to  NVDC.W.WEBMASTER@USCG.MIL

Submit applications for renewals and/or address changes to NVDCRENEWALS2@USCG.MIL

Submit all other applications to NVDC.PDF.FILING@USCG.MIL



You will receive a confirmation e-mail in response to submissions sent to:  NVDCRENEWALS2@USCG.MIL and NVDC.PDF.FILING@USCG.MIL

Responses will indicate either ‘Submission Received’ or ‘Submission Not Accepted’ in the Subject line, with additional information in the body of the response.

Please ensure all attachments are in .pdf format, including change of address requests. A sample .pdf address change document can be found here.

We do not accept faxes.



Thank you for visiting the NVDC.


U.S. Build Determinations are responses to requests seeking confirmation that the regulatory standards to establish U.S. build are met.

Pursuant to Section 516 of the Frank LoBiondo Coast Guard Authorization Act of 2018, all determinations by the Director, National Vessel Documentation Center will be posted online when issued.



U.S. Build Determinations


U.S. Build Determinations are responses to requests seeking confirmation that the regulatory standards to establish U.S. build are met.

Pursuant to Section 516 of the Frank LoBiondo Coast Guard Authorization Act of 2018, all determinations by the Director, National Vessel Documentation Center will be posted online when issued.



U.S. Build Determinations