New and improved Merchant Mariner Credential (MMC). Coming March 1, 2024!

For more information, click the Brochure and Announcement buttons listed below.

MMC Brochure



The Coast Guard has launched a mobile app that anyone can use to help fight crime, including making anonymous reports. The Coast Guard is committed to investigating and pursuing appropriate enforcement actions for all reports of sexual misconduct on U.S. flagged vessels. Sexual misconduct, which includes incidents of sexual assault and sexual harassment, has no place in the maritime industry and the Coast Guard is committed to preventing these occurrences and responding to allegations to eliminate this toxic behavior from the workplace. ​Use the QR code below to download the CGIS Tips app:


• CG TIPS is available on the web at • CGIS Tips is also available through the iTunes App Store or Google Play store. • Learn more about USCG Investigative Services at


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