Office of Marine Environmental
Response Policy (CG-MER)


U.S. Coast Guard
2703 Martin Luther King Jr. Ave, SE, STOP 7516
Washington, DC 20593

Arctic and International Coordination Division (CG-MER-2)


CG-MER-2 oversees the coordination of preparedness and response activities with foreign governments and organizations to ensure conformance and complementary efforts with existing statutes, regulations, policies, and initiatives. This includes the initiatives and objectives outlined in the Coast Guard’s Arctic Strategic Outlook and the Indo-Pacific/Oceana Regional Engagement Plan, as well as others. The Arctic and International Coordination Division oversees the development of international marine environmental protection contingency plans for all shared U.S. and international geographic border regions, and coordinates development of bilateral and multilateral international MER cooperation agreements. CG-MER-2 also serves as the Coast Guard’s representative and U.S. Head of Delegation to the Arctic Council’s Working Group on Emergency, Prevention, Preparedness, and Response (EPPR) in support of the U.S. Department of State and as the Marine Environmental Response program representative to the Coast Guard’s Polar Coordinating Office (CG-5PW). CG-MER-2 serves as the pollution response program representative on international coordination bodies, including international conventions, international agreements, and international engagements with spill response organizations (e.g., IMO; Arctic Coast Guard Forum; NRT Autoridad del Canal de Panama Subcommittee and the NRT International Assistance Subcommittee).  MER-2 provides a consultant to the IMO Regional Marine Pollution Emergency, Information and Training Centre – Caribe (RAC-REMPEITC) and provides technical authority to the IndoPacific Regional Activities Center (INDOPAC RAC) in Honolulu, HI.  MER-2 fulfills the Program Committee chair role for the triennial International Oil Spill Conference (IOSC).