Summary: The IPS Program is dedicated to supporting nations that show a commitment to improving their port security. We are involved in Capacity Building, conferences, and tailored seminars.


Capacity Building Seminars are offered on the following five topics:

  • International Ship and Port Facility Security (ISPS) Code Implementation & Best Practices
  • Port Facility Security Assessments (PFSA) & Port Facility Security Plans (PFSP)
  • Port Security Audits
  • Port Security Drills & Exercises
  • Port Security Legislation Drafting Workshop

Interested countries should make formal requests through their respective American Embassy representative and United States Coast Guard International Port Security Liaison Officer (IPSLO). On the right side of this webpage are sample lessons from the seminars. If you are interested in being sent a complete seminar package, please email the IPS Capacity Building Section at


3 –4 Days, Up to 5 days with port facility visit included
Description: This seminar and workshop covers the mandatory components of the ISPS Code for Contracting Governments and port facilities. It is tailored to meet host nation needs and focused on making specific port security improvements. Seminar topics include: access control, port facility security assessments (PFSA), port facility security plans (PFSP), restricted areas, handling of cargo, monitoring of the facility, security levels, declarations of security, auditing and review of PFSPs, security training, drills and exercises. The seminar format is to facilitate discussions on existing port security challenges, examine related best practices, and identify potential solutions to those security challenges. Access to an ISPS Code port facility is strongly recommended.
Target Audience: Host nation participants with a direct role in port security governance and those with responsibilities for implementation and/or oversight of the ISPS Code, including Port Facility Security Officers.
3 – 5 Days
Description: This seminar introduces personnel to basic principles of conducting port security audits aimed at ensuring the effectiveness of port facility security plans (PFSP). Seminar topics include: the basics of an audit, who conducts audits, the role of auditors, and audit tools. Participants participate in mock or actual self-assessments and audits resulting in documented evaluations of PFSPs and port facility security measures. Access to an ISPS Code port facility is required.
Target Audience: Participants are normally members of the host nation’s Designated Authority for ISPS Code implementation, port facility security officers (PFSO), and personnel responsible for security audits, inspections, and assessments.
3 –5 Days
Description: This seminar introduces personnel to basic strategies to develop and conduct drills and exercises in accordance with requirements set forth in the ISPS Code. Specific topics to be covered include drill and exercise design, identification of objectives, scenario development, exercise frequency and documentation, utilization of lessons learned and integration of all agencies with port security responsibilities. Classroom instruction is reinforced through practical exercises. Participants will develop a security drill and/or exercise plan for their port and depending on individual host nation needs.. The primary references used in this seminar are the Exercitium: European Handbook of Maritime Security Exercises & Drills and the APEC Manual of Maritime Security Drills & Exercises for Port Facilities.
Target Audience: Host nation participants with a direct role in planning, conducting, or evaluating port security drills and exercises, as well as those with responsibilities for auditing the effectiveness of PFSAs and PFSPs.
2 – 3 Days
Description: U.S. Coast Guard Attorneys provide assistance in reviewing and drafting port security legal frameworks and regulations. Video teleconferencing is also available.
Target Audience: Host nation, ISPS Code Designated Authority legal staff or government attorneys
PORT FACILITY SECURITY ASSESSMENT (PFSA)/PORT FACILITY SECURITY PLAN (PFSP) WORKSHOP 4—5 Days Description: This workshop will provide a cadre of port security professionals the requisite skills to manage all tasks associated with creating and updating PFSAs and PFSPs. Topics of the seminar include the required components and suggested formats for PFSAs and PFSPs. Participants will gain a full understanding of PFSA and PFSP content and participate in practical exercises that review these documents, with the goal of ensuring functional PFSPs based on realistic PFSAs. A visit to an ISPS Code port facility is required.
Target Audience: Host nation participants with a direct role in conducting, documenting, or reviewing/approving PFSAs as well as those involved in drafting, reviewing/approving, or updating PFSPs.

Supporting Documents:
Audit Seminar Lesson 0: Student Guide
Audit Seminar Lesson 1: Student Guide
ISPS Code Implementation & Best Practices
Port Facility Security Assessments (PFSA) & Port Facility Security Plans (PFSP) Lesson 1
Port Facility Security Assessments (PFSA) & Port Facility Security Plans (PFSP) Lesson 2
Port Facility Security Audit Seminar: Responsibilities of the Contracting Gov't
Port Facility Security Audit Seminar: What is an Audit?
Port Facility Security Drills & Exercises Seminar: Lesson 1
Port Facility Security Drills & Exercises Seminar: Lesson 2

Updated: Thursday, October 2, 2014