Day 1 - Panel Session Lineup:

  1. Traceability of Liquid Natural Gas Measurements
    Thomas Kegel and William Johansen
    Colorado Engineering Experiment Station, Inc. (CEESI)
    Nunn, CO
  2. Informing Hazardous Zones for On-board Hydrogen Liquid and Gas Systems
        Myra Blaylock, Senior Technical Staff and Joseph Pratt, Principal Technical Staff
        Sandia National Laboratories
        Livermore, CA
  3. The Use of Alternate Fuels for Ship Systems
        John Poulson, Executive Vice President
        Atlantic Marine Associates
       New York, NY
  4. The Expanding Offshore Wind Supply Chain
        James Bond, ABS Technology Director
        American Bureau of Shipping
        Houston, TX
  5. Efficient Risk Assessment for ships using Low Flash Point Fuel
        Dan Wesp
        Principal Engineer
        ABS Global Gas Solutions
  6. Methanol: A "Future Proof" Marine Fuel
    Gregory Dolan, CEO - Methanol Institute


  1.  Re-Classing Existing SAT Diving Systems
    Jess G. Totten, Senior Engineer
    ABS Houston
    Houston, TX
  2. The Rise of the US Flagged Wind IMR Lifeboat
    Bryan Bywalec, Engineering Manager
    Montco Offshore, Inc.
    Houston, TX
  3. Design Standards and Type Approvals Provide the Basis for Determining Hose Life
    Rudi den Dulk
    Gutteling Americas Inc.
    Domestic and global hose standards
  4. International Standards and Certification Activities at the IEC to Support Marine Renewable Energy
    Mr. Jonathan Colby
    Vice President
    Resolute Marine Energy, Inc.

    Mr. Bill Staby
    Co-founder & CEO
    Verdant Power, Inc.
  5. A proposal for the numerical and experimental evaluation of temperature rise in synthetic and hybrid ropes used in AHC systems and methods of lessening the effect
    Bamdad Pourladian, Ph.D.
    Director of Research- Metals
    WireCo WorldGroup
  6. New Classes for Pressure Vessels Designed and Fabricated in Accordance with ASME Section VIII, Division 2
    Erika Lawson
    Joseph Brzuszkiewicz

Day 2

  1. Mile Point Training Wall Marine Restoration Project
    Patrick Kenning, Manson Construction Co.
    John Brushwood, Southern International Professional Engineering
    Jacksonville, FL
  2. Water Suitability Assessment-LNG
    Will Fediw, Director, Marine Operations and Regulatory Compliance
    Venture Global LNG
    Lake Charles, LA
  3. Management of Ship's Black and Grey Water Discharges – Rules and Realities
    Dr. Wei Chen, Future Program Development Manager,
    Wartsila Water Systems Ltd, UK
  4. The Use of Gas Sensor Technology and Its Development to Provide Global Transparency of Compliance

  5. Regulations and Standards for Waste Water Treatment on Board – Recent Developments
    Markus Joswig
    Testing Institute for Wastewater Technology GmbH (PIA GmbH)


  1. Regulatory Developments and Maritime Policies for Cybersecurity
    LT Kevin Kuhn
    Systems Engineering Division
    USCG Headquarters
  2. Considerations Ongoing at the International Maritime Organization (IMO) Regarding the Use of Autonomous Vessels in Commercial Shipping
    LT Chris Rabalais
    Systems Engineering Division
    USCG Headquarters
  3. SAE Standards for Autonomous Ground Vehicles and Potential Application to the Marine Industr
     Keith Wilson
    Project Manager, Technical Programs
    SAE International


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